Digital newspapers

Read magazines or newspapers from all over the world

Library Pressdisplay

Library Pressdisplay covers over 7000 newspapers and magazines from all over the world.
You can access it on the library's public computers or wifi. You can also use it from home with your library card number.

To Library Pressdisplay


You can also read newspapers and magazines on your mobile, tablet or computer via or the Pressreader app. The app is available for iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry and Kindle.

Pressreader has the same coverage as Library Pressdisplay, above.

Download the app PressReader to your phone, tablet or computer from Appstore, Play store or Windows store and connect to Biblioteken i Mölndals wifi (MOLNDAL- BIBLIOTEK) when you are in the library. You now have access to Pressreader for three days.

You can also use your library card or personal nummer and pincode to get remote access to Pressreader.

To Pressreader in the library

Remote access to Pressreader


Retriever is a article database where you can find miljons of swedish newspaper articles from 1987 to present date. You can access it from the library wifi or the public computers. 

To Retriever in the library

Ebsco MasterFile Premier

Ebsco MasterFile Premier covers english articles from magazines and journals. You can use it on the library wifi, the public computers or by remote access using your library card number.

To Ebsco when you are in the library

Remote access to Ebsco